
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Video Interviews of HIMB researchers

Check out the EPSCoR Cyber Team Facebook page for a series of interviews with HIMB researchers. These were done recently by EPSCoR Hawaii - an initiative to build research capacity locally.*

So, the facebook page is here:
It has a nice video of a group coming to the island with some shots of a group on the Honu Kai doing a plankton tow. Look for the "Sneak Preview - Visit to the Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology" clip. 
Or, you can go direct to the current VIMEO video interviews. 
Keisha Rodriguez:


* EPSCoR stands for the Office of Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research and is part of the National Science Foundation. Basically, when NSF realized that some areas of the country needed a bit of capacity building, they set about working on programs that would do just that. You can visit the National EPSCoR site to learn more or the local Hawaii EPSCoR to see specifics for our region. 

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