HIMB graduate researcher Sherril Leon Soon (whom many of you have met when she drives boat after hours) reports on her research on the invasive gorilla ogo in the latest Sea Grant publication.
Thinking like a scientist:
Whereas we all might just look at a clump of invasive gorilla ogo and say," check out how it grows over everything" and stop right there, Sherril not only considers how the seaweed changes its environment, but also the reverse - how the new environment may cause changes in the ogo as well. Clumps of the seaweed not only smother the bottom, but change current patterns and nutrient flows, which may in turn affect the seaweed.
Sometimes I think science is like art - good science, like good art, should make your brain stretch and maybe even hurt a bit.
See: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/seagrant/communication/kapilikai/Spring2010/Sherril.pdf
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