Sunday, November 3, 2013

Shark Attack

Researchers from UH and the Holand Lab at HIMB were recently featured in a broadcast by Hawaii News Now.  The study hopes to shed light on the increased number of shark attacks that have occured in Hawaii, specifically around Maui, over the past two years.  The team of researchers will tag 20 sharks off Maui and track their movements utilizing acoustic and satellite tags." title="Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL">Hawaii News Now - KGMB and KHNL

To implant the acoustic tags the shark is line caught and brought alongside the boat where researchers physically role it upside-down.  Once inverted, the animal enters a trans-like state, allowing the researchers to perform the procedure with minimal disturbance to the patient.  After the surgery, the shark is turned right-side-up and released when it is ready.  Data loggers dispersed throughout the waters of Maui record the presence of tagged sharks within their proximity.

I strongly encourage you to take a look at the links below, especially at the International Shark Attack File.  So far, Hawaii has had ten reported unprovoked shark attacks this year, one of which led to fatality.  In 2012, there where also ten reported unprovoked shark attacks.  Since 2011, there have been sixty-two unprovoked attacks, and only two fatalities.  Food for thought.


International Shark Attack File:

ISAF 2012 Worldwide Shark Attack Summary:

Hawaii Sharks: Recent Incidents (2001-current):

Hawaii News Now - UH Researchers Tag 15 Sharks Off Maui:

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