Friday, March 4, 2011

CEP 03-04-2011 UPDATE!


Thanks to Nicole and Jeanette for the Family Sunday tours. On Monday, we headed over to the Marine Corps Base to pick up some 5th and 6th graders (and John Sandor), then he and Ruth, Mary, Mike, Michael and Steve all helped with a plankton and algae lab set. What a nice day. Too bad we had to cancel today, they are tentatively rescheduled for May. As usual, Deena and Sarah pitched in on projects later in the week.

Keep on signing up! Try new stations, learn more on the tours! Check out the calender!

Also check out the recent blog posts on Monk Seal Research at HIMB and Turtles (There and Back Again).

Have a great weekend.


1 comment:

  1. The blogs are getting better and better. I enjoy reading them and the links you provide are informative. This is a great way to update us on current information in the field of marine biology. Mahalo, Ruth Canham
