Friday, September 18, 2015

CALL TO ACTION - Statewide bleach watch event October 3rd

The Eyes of the Reef Network (EOR) is an effective statewide reporting system that enables all community members and ocean users to contribute to the long-term protection of our local reefs.
Pollution, climate change, poor land practices and increasing recreational and extractive activities create environmental conditions on coral reefs that foster coral disease and coral bleaching, support the spread of invasive species, and threaten reef health. Without initial sightings by the local “eyes” on our reefs, such occurrences may go unnoticed until it is too late.

Multiple reports of coral bleaching have recently been received through the Eyes of the Reef
Network. The corals are starting to bleach in response to higher than normal seawater
temperatures. Corals lose their normal color and turn white. We need to find out how widespread
this bleaching event is in Hawaii so scientists and managers can make decisions on how best to help
the reefs recover. This October 3rd, we need you! Head out into the water to your favorite reef and record any instances of coral bleaching you see.

EOR offers free trainings to give people with all levels of ocean knowledge – community members, reef users, tourists, fishers, commercial operators, scientists, and reef managers – the skills to identify and report threats to Hawai‘i’s reefs. We also offer local monitoring and educational support in your area. For more information about the Eyes of the Reef program, head to their website:

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